Best of the Best

Hosting that Scales with

Your Business

Hosting built with industry leading technology to scale with

your business as you take over the world.

Why choose us?

Saving money – is something we would all like to do. Wouldn't it be great if you could save money without sacrificing quality? With our website you will enjoy these industry leading features.

Accessibility Ready

Your site will be accessible and follow WCAG 2.0 standards. It meets the AA level which is essential for usability.

Extendable Code

Your new website will be one of the best websites to work with because its clean and extendable code.

SEO Friendly Markup

Your site architecture will follow best SEO practices. It even comes with the necessary markup you need.

Made for E-commerce

Built with e-commerce in mind, your site is loaded with unique features and countless customizations to build a store that matches your brand.

Translation Ready

Your site can be translated in your own language. You can even create multilingual websites to reach your audience in the language they speak.

Blazing Fast

Built to be as light weight and fast as possible your site can load in mere seconds. It is built for speed and fully optimized for performance.

Your website is powered by Google Cloud

We operate on Google Cloud to create a powerful and technically superior hosting service.

SSD persistent storage

Distributed storage running on SSD disks for an optimal speed and a high-level of redundancy.

Ultra-fast network

Google is known for maintaining one of the fastest and best connected networks.

100% renewable energy match

Google matches 100% the energy consumed by their operations with renewable energy.

Check out the Services

Free Email

Look like the legitimate business you are with free professional email, so you can send and receive mail from [email protected]

Free SSL

Encrypt every bit of information while dealing with sensitive data such as IDs, passwords, credit card numbers, etc.

Free CDN

Deliver high definition content with high Quality of Service, low costs, and low network load.

Daily Backup

The biggest benefit of regular cloud website backup is its great reliability. You will always be able to recover your website on the off chance you need to.

Unmetered Traffic

Transfer as much data across your website as you need without you or your visitors ever experiencing a change in connection speed.

Site Auto-Updates

Automatic background updates ensure better security. This regular maintenance ensures that your website updated and secured at all times.

More Amazing Features



Make your site to work correctly via HTTPS and forces a secure connection to your site.
Dynamic Caching
Store your content in the server’s memory for a faster access with this full-page caching.
Manual Cache Purge
Clear the Dynamic Cache for your entire website.
Automatic Cache Purge
Automatically perform a smart cache purge after every content modification.
Remove Query String from Static Resources
Removes version query strings from your static resources improving the caching of those resources.

Frontend Optimization

Minify HTML Output
Removes unnecessary characters from your site's HTML output saving data and improving your site speed.
Minify Javascript Files
Minify your JavaScript files in order to reduce their size and reduce the number of requests to the server.
Defer Render-blocking Javascript
Defer loading of render-blocking JavaScript files for faster initial site load.
Minify CSS Files
Minify your site's CSS files in order to reduce their size and reduce the number of requests to the server.
Combine CSS Files
Combine multiple CSS files into one to lower the number of requests your site generates.
Optimize Loading of Google Fonts
Combine the loading of Google fonts reducing the number of HTTP requests.

Media Optimization

New Images Optimization
We will automatically optimize all new images that you upload to your Media Library.
Existing Images Optimization
We will optimize all your existing images with minimal or no loss in quality.
Generate WebP Copies of New Images
WebP is a next generation image format supported by modern browers which greatly reduces the size of your images.
Manage WebP Copies of Existing Images
Generate or delete a WebP copy of your existing media library.
Lazy Load Images
Load images only when they are visible in the browser.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the custom name that you see in your browser search bar. URLs look like “” or “” In the Google example, the “maps” is the subdomain and the “” is the main domain. Domains are a big part of your brand. It is the easy to remember address that people will remember so that they can find you on the expansive place that is the internet.

What is website content?

Website content refers to the videos, pictures and text that appears on a website; basically anything that a site visitor sees. You will need to provide us with whatever you want Tonya to see when she visits your website. While we can build out your site functionally with demo data, we cannot complete your site until you provide the website content.

What is SSL?

Secure Socket Layer or SSL is a type of encryption that every website should have. Having an SSL certificate shows your website visitors that green lock that says secure in the browser search bar letting them know that their private information is safe to share on your website. This can cost $200/year or more. With us you get one free for your website.

What is CDN?

Content Delivery Network or CDN makes your website load much faster for your visitors. Imagine if you lived in California. You built your website in California and hosted your website on a server in California. Then Winston in England heard about your amazing site but had to load your site from the server in California nearly 6,000 miles away. It takes time to transfer all your data that distance! If you have a beautiful site with a lot of graphics Winston in England may give up and move on to the next site in this world of immediacy. With CDN your site is uploaded to many servers across the world so that it can load from the server closest to the visitor. With CDN your site will load on Winston’s device from a server in England so that he sees your beautiful site as fast as possible. This can also cost north of $200/year.

Where will my site live or be hosted?

Your website will be hosted on our servers until you finish paying the monthly installments on the site. The cost of hosting is $19/mo. Once you finish paying the balance of your plan, you are welcome to continue to host your site with us or move your site to wherever you would like.

What community will I be apart of?

As a bonus for paying the site hosting fee, in addition to all of the world-class features that you receive to make your site fast and secure, you will become a member of the Digital Entrepreneur community. In this community you will benefit from being shoulder to shoulder with like minded individuals working towards the same goal. I will also answer any tech or business questions that you may have.

What will happen if I miss a monthly installment?

If you fail to make a monthly installment your site will be taken offline.

What will happen if I miss multiple monthly installments?

If you miss two monthly installments, your site and all of its backups will be deleted from our servers. This cannot be undone.

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